Thursday, July 21, 2011

Critical Intsruction Strategies

The following are the instruction strategies I find critical to the teaching of Social Studies:

1.) Lecture - Social Studies requires that the instructor is able to inform students through engaging lectures

2.) Analytical reading of documents - Whether its a textbook or a primary document, students must know how to read documents through an analytical lens

3.) Map Reading - Much about Social Studies requires that students and teachers understand how to read maps effectively.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mr. G's Room

Dr. Price asked the class to look up some videos of teachers in action represented in the media. I was a big fan of the HBO show Summer Heights High when it came out a year or so ago. If you haven't seen it, the main idea of the show is that this one actor (Chris Lilley) plays the role of three different characters - Ja'mie, a private school girl who has moved to the public school. Jonah, a wanna be punk teenager and Mr. G, the new drama teacher at the high school. Anyways, the show was one of my favorites when it was on TV and Mr. G's antics were always one of the best parts of it. Here's a video of him describing his philosophy of education and how he welcomes his class to the new year.

Although his style of teaching is somewhat unique, Mr. G's enthusiasm for his job is very clear.

Xtranormal Vid - ADDIE meets Gange