Thursday, July 14, 2011

UbD Stage 1 - Executive Branch Unit Plan


  1. This design document/unit seems like it will provide your students will a deep understanding of the executive branch of the United States that will be applicable to their further study of politics and history.

    However, even the best history teacher can't cover it ALL? How will you decided which past presidents to study or which "hats" of the president to study in depth?

    I would consider revising your essential questions. These seem more like recall questions than broader guiding questions to me.

  2. Jacob I think you do a good job with the set up of your lesson. The executive branch is one that is fascinating the more you learn about it. I think that the presidency is something that our future students will find more interesting than during previous decades.

    I was wondering a little bit about your Enduring Understandings questions. These questions should "drive discovery and allow for student participation in this discovery/understanding?" THey sound more like essential questions.

    Maybe a question about what it means to be the "leader of the free world" could spark some of that discovery.
